Enviromental Hazard Map

APN:1234-123-123 ADDRESS: 1234 MAIN ST ANYCITY, CA 90293-8814
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PNPL.png icon
P-NPL (Proposed National Priority List Sites)
AST.png icon
AST (State List of Aboveground Storage Tanks)
SRS.png icon
SRS (State Response Sites)
ENVIROSTOR (EnviroStor Database)
SWIS.png icon
SWIS (Solid Waste Landfills Disclosure)
SLIC.png icon
SLIC (State Spills, Leaks, Investigation, and Cleanup Sites)
LUST.png icon
LUST (Leaking Underground Storage Tanks)
UST.png icon
UST (State List of Underground Storage Tanks)
SBROWN.png icon
SBROWN (State Brownfields Sites)
DEED.png icon
DEED (Restriction Listing)
OILWELL-A.png icon
OILWELL-A (Active Oilwells)
OILWELL-P.png icon
OILWELL-P (Plugged & Abandoned Oilwells)
NPL.png icon
NPL (National Priority List Sites Disclosure)
SEMS.png icon
SEMS (Superfund Enterprise Management System )
NFRAP (SEMS Sites That Have Been Archived)
CORRACTS.png icon
CORRACTS (RCRA Federal Corrective Action Sites)
TSD.png icon
TSD (RCRA Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities)
LQG.png icon
LQG (RCRA Large Quantity Generators)
SQD.png icon
SQG (RCRA Small Quantity Generators)
ERNS.png icon
ERNS (Emergency Response Notification Systems)
BROWN.png icon
BROWN (Federal Brownfields Sites)
RADIATION.svg icon
RADIATION (Radiation Information Database)
TRI.png icon
TRI (Toxics Release Inventory)
HPP (High Pressure Pipeline Disclosure)